Helping Clients Achieve Success Through
Transformational Coaching & HR Consulting
Leadership coaching is often referred to as executive coaching but they are different. While both leadership and executive coaching focus on enhancing an individual’s skills and abilities to lead a team, project, or organization, executive coaching also addresses the unique challenges associated with operating at the highest levels in an organization.
Not everyone is a born leader, and even for those who are, there is no harm in polishing your skills further. It can enhance your ability to perform as a leader and achieve your vision. In a leadership coaching engagement, we can help you:
Understand and create a vision
Set realistic goals
Improve communication skills
Strengthen people management skills
Develop empathy toward others
Improve decision-making ability
Explain the situation better, ask the right questions, clarify the problem, create options, and initiate a collaborative plan
Executive coaching involves similar coaching services, but it but is oriented to high-end business leaders, CEOs, vice presidents, directors, and managing directors.
In an executive coaching engagement, we can help you and your business in the following areas:
Personal development of a leader
Interpersonal relationships in a company
Team alignment
Providing constructive feedback
Building awareness for development opportunities
Setting goals with proper action plans
Conflict management
All of the above can positively impact any client which is why demand for both leadership and executive coaching is growing with every passing day.
Professional development coaching is for anyone looking to further develop themselves in areas such as performance or professional well-being. Knowing your professional goals is the first step to achieving them. To determine what your goals are and what course of action you need to take to accomplish them, we can work alongside you to:
Identify and overcome barriers to your desired success
Increase effectiveness in your role
Enhance your self-awareness and the way you interact with others
Become a better listener and communicator overall
Rediscover passion and joy in your work
Understand and work through cultural differences
Work through self-imposed restraints
Balance work and family
Identify and articulate your career ambition
Broaden your influence
Expand your professional network
Strengthen your resilience
Lean into conflict
While leadership and executive coaching is specifically focused on helping those who lead and supervise teams be the best leaders they can be, professional development coaching is truly for anyone looking to be the best individual they can be.
Everyone deserves to lead a fulfilling life with a career or job aligned with their purpose, values and career growth goals. This is especially important since we spend the majority of our waking time at work. Career coaching enables you to ‘hit the pause button’ to step back and work in partnership with the support and guidance of an experienced professional. I will work with you to evaluate your future career vision against your current role and also ask reflection questions such as: Are you fulfilled in this role? Are you growing? What are your top values & character strengths? How are you leveraging and building on both? Does your home and work life align with your top values? Is your employer culture aligned with your top values? Does your role build your character strengths? How can you do more of what makes you happy? How do your relationships support your growth? What’s your next career step? And other related coaching questions that promote intentional career change and positive growth.
Sometimes, unforeseen life events accelerate your career moves, like mergers, acquisitions, and reorganizations, while other times you initiate a change. Either way, it makes sense to work with an experienced, objective career coach to better align your values, strengths & goals with the best possible work environment and role. As your career coach, we can also provide you with awareness building tools, best practices, objective feedback, resources, support, and a focused action plan to keep you on track and accelerate results.
In a career coaching engagement, we can help you:
Explore your career ambitions
Make an informed decision about your career
Establish realistic career goals
Formulate a plan and strategy to reach your goals and stay motivated throughout
Develop a sense of accountability that keeps you on track
Career coaching is not only for a student who is looking to get their first job. One can consult a career coach at any time in their career. From building a CV to determining what your next step in your career should be, your career coach will be there for you.